Ethereum Secrets: Update Smart Contracts with these 11 Methods! (also Proxy Patterns and Hands-On)

Описание к видео Ethereum Secrets: Update Smart Contracts with these 11 Methods! (also Proxy Patterns and Hands-On)

This is a 100% hands-on 🧑‍💻 tutorial guide for Smart Contract Upgrades and Proxy Patterns.

What's are proxy patterns? That is where storage and/or Smart Contract addresses don't change, only the logic of the contract itself.

One thing the Blockchain is very often connected to is the immutability of data. For long time it was "Once it's deployed, it cannot be altered". That is still true for historical transaction information. But it is not true for Smart Contract storage and addresses. And that's what we're talking about in the video!


00:00 - Introduction
01:37 - The Problem Example
04:09 - The Eternal Storage Pattern
13:54 - Nick Johnsons First Proxy Example
19:45 - Understanding Storage Collisions
23:26 - EIP-897: ERC Delegate Proxy
25:55 - EIP-1822: Universal Upgradable Proxy Standard (UUPS)
33:28 - EIP-1967: Standard Storage Slots
39:05 - EIP-1538: Transparent Contract Standard
41:33 - EIP-2535: Diamonds
58:49 - Metamorphic Smart Contracts Intro
1:00:13 - CREATE2 Tutorial
1:11:03 - Metamorphic CREATE2 Factory
1:18:04 - Recap and Thank You

🗒️ Code Examples 🗒️


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