Long Stairway

Описание к видео Long Stairway

You traversed the Evil Labyrinth for a time. It felt like hours, but in reality, it was really only about thirty minutes overall. After running, and jumping, and ducking your way through all manner of traps and dangers, you came to a welcomed sight. You stood in front of a doorway with a sign above it, which read, "LABYRINTH OVER. GOOD JOB." Before you could process the words, some party poppers fell from the ceiling on wires, and exploded confetti in your face, temporarily blinding you. You took a moment to steady yourself. Looking forward, through the door was the start of a staircase, leading down. You quickly entered, and began to run down the steps, fast, happy to finally escape the nightmares of the labyrinth. At one point you'd had to fill out an online questionnaire. You shiver at the thought of such horror.
After a while, your pace began to slow, as the length of the staircase sunk in. You couldn't see anything but darkness at the bottom. If only you'd had that torch with you.
You walked for at least an hour already. It was tedious to walk down this many stairs, but you preferred it to the labyrinth. Here you had time to catch your breath, to think. You tried to recall how you'd got here. You hadn't taken the time before to consider what happened. It was strange that you just came to in a dimly torchlit tunnel. You strain your mind, but all you remember is sitting on the porch of your home and watching the sunset with Cassandra- the name you've given to the finch that lives in your rafters- and a glass of tea. What had happened?
As you took a step, your thoughts were interrupted by the glint of something in the corner of your eye. You bent over to look closer, and found that it was an ornate silver key laying on the ground. What is this doing here? You decide to pick it up. It could be incredibly useful and prominent! As you stood back up from assessing the key, you noticed what looked like a faint light, far down the stairs. Was this it? The light at the end of the tunnel? With a rush of newfound energy, you ran down the steps, eager to see what awaits you at the bottom. Onward, to victory!

Part 3 in a Saga about a guy who really just wants a Torch.

Original music by me


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