God's Faithfulness: God never leaves us because He is faithful to us.

Описание к видео God's Faithfulness: God never leaves us because He is faithful to us.

Hello Parents and Guardians!

It's the first Sunday of the month of September and we will be starting a new lesson and series about God's Faithfulness thru the story of Moses.

Our power verse for the whole month is:
2 Thessalonians 3:3
The Lord is faithful. He will give you strength and protect you.

We also have some materials and activities that you can do at home with your little legends as you talk about God's Faithfulness You may click the link below for the activities:

(All worship songs are under CCLI license: 586755. As per the Intellectual Property Code, public performance of our worship services are permitted as a charitable & religious institution.)

#Jesus #God #preschool #toddlers #kids #moses #faithfulness


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