Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Rappaccini's Daughter

Описание к видео Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Rappaccini's Daughter

Hello Happy Youtubers!!! I hope your day is going amazingly well!

I watched a video about evil plants from Monstrum in the Horror genre on YouTube that included quick synopses about several authors and their works. I wanted to check out that and read these awesome botanically related Gothic horror from more than a century ago. The next is Nathaniel Hawthorne’s longer “Rappaccini's Daughter” published in 1844 more than 150 years ago. I bought the collection linked below and I found it for free. Ready?

Here’s the 2020 collection from Amazon:

Here’s the story for free:

Here is the video that inspired my deep dive:    • Monster Plants and the Humans who Inv...  

Have you read Rappaccini's Daughter? Have you read anything else by Nathaniel Hawthorne? What did you think of it? Did you agree with my video? Anything in the video or the story that you’d like to discuss? Sure; let’s chat about it!

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