Short axis view of aortic valve, subcostal view, ultrasound imaging, echocardiography

Описание к видео Short axis view of aortic valve, subcostal view, ultrasound imaging, echocardiography

The subcostal echocardiographic view offers a vital perspective for imaging the heart, particularly when traditional views are challenging. By positioning the ultrasound transducer beneath the xiphoid process, the liver is used as an acoustic window to enhance visualization. This approach allows detailed examination of the aortic root, left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT), and aortic valve. The aortic valve, seen in the 5-chamber and short-axis views, features three cusps: the left coronary, right coronary, and non-coronary cusps. The short-axis view, often resembling a 'Mercedes-Benz' symbol, is crucial for assessing valve morphology and detecting abnormalities such as calcification or prolapse. The view also includes the right ventricular outflow tract and right atrium, essential for evaluating right heart function. Color Doppler imaging complements these views by visualizing blood flow dynamics, aiding in the diagnosis of valvular diseases like stenosis and regurgitation.


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