it's coming! 22 september,2024! MOST POWERFUL SOLAR FLAIR IN HISTORY hitting tonight!very critical

Описание к видео it's coming! 22 september,2024! MOST POWERFUL SOLAR FLAIR IN HISTORY hitting tonight!very critical

The energy of the universe is about to unleash something monumental as the most intense solar flare ever recorded hits Earth tonight! This solar flare will cause massive shifts in consciousness, opening powerful portals for transformation and alignment with higher dimensions. It’s a critical time to tune in, prepare your energy, and anchor the divine light being sent our way.

Expect strong geomagnetic storms that could influence your emotions, thoughts, and even physical sensations. Use this opportunity to ground your energy, protect your space, and align with the incoming solar frequencies.

This cosmic event will likely bring major changes in the energetic grid of the planet, affecting everyone on a personal and global level. Tap into this force to activate your light body and step fully into your divine power.

Are you ready for the Great Shift? Let's ascend together!

#SolarFlare2024 #EnergyShift #GeomagneticStorm #5DAscension #SolarEvent #CosmicEnergy #SpiritualAwakening #HigherConsciousness #SolarFlares #SolarFlareEnergy #GreatAwakening #NewEarth


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