Is it still worth getting into Planetside 2 in 2019?

Описание к видео Is it still worth getting into Planetside 2 in 2019?

❆ 0:00 Opening Statements
❆ 1:04 History since releasing the first Is it still worth playing Planetside video.
❆ 2:07 Implant System Delivered.
❆ 2:57 The moment to say "Play PS2!"
❆ 3:50 Punch to the gut - CAI.
❆ 5:10 The prediction that didn't come to be.
❆ 5:44 DBG's spring deliveries.
❆ 8:27 Willy Nilly Pitch Forks.
❆ 10:45 Die on that Hill.
❆ 14:15 Enter the Museum of Auraxis.
❆ 15:50 What does Planetside 2 need in 2019?
❆ 15:57 Revert CAI.
❆ 18:33 Server Transfers|Merges
❆ 22:02 Drastically reduce new player grind.
❆ 24:32 Discussion on what will happen in 2019
❆ 24:33 Renderer Modernization.
❆ 25:16 NS Operatives
❆ 28:03 Oshur
❆ 29:26 Planetside Arena and its effect on PS2
❆ 32:51 60 Second Summary
❆ 34:43 Closing Statements
❆ 35:33 I'll see you... Planetside.

"The world is moving on... and its moving on faster now"
The Last Gunslinger - Stephen King

There is a clip in this video from the film based on the book series by King, I have not seen the film, just know the books.

Also to note, I often confuse Playstation 4 and Planetside 2 in my speech. It's happened before, and it happened again here. If you ever hear me talking about "Playstation 2", I assure you I meant to say Planetside. :) Playstation 2 is long gone my friends.


❆ Someone asked me a great question recently: "I don't get the hate. Would like to hear what the problems are people have with you. Is it just all about the headshots?"

You can find my answer here:   / ebtwt2i   ❆

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►Cyrious Gaming's UserOptions.ini File.◄


►How do you get the red dot on your screen, the kill popups, and the GLADOS Voice?◄
This video provides a tutorial on where to download the required components and how to set it up:    • How to setup Recursion Stat Tracker |...  


►Cyrious Gaming's Outfit◄ Put in an application there if you would like to join!


►Most of the music I use is from EVE. You can find it on this website. Primary credit is to Jon Halur.


#Planetside #Planetside2 #DX11

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