Absolute Best Vegan Omega 3 Source - That's Where Fish Gets It From

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🟢 https://foodhow.com/vegan-alternative... - 8 Best Vegan Alternatives To Fish Oil — Get Your Omega-3 Directly From The Source!

Where do vegans get their omega 3?

Whether it is for health, environmental, or any other reason, more and more people are turning to plant-based and vegan diets.

Although plant-based diets are considered more healthy and sustainable, suddenly eliminating some food groups from your diet can put you at risk of missing out on vital micronutrients.

That is why it is very important to find good vegan alternatives and substitutes so that you can stay healthy and meet all your nutritional needs.

One of those essential nutrients that our bodies need is omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is needed for brain function, healthy eyes, healthy skin, healthy heart, immune system, and the list goes on.

As non-vegans can get their omega-3 from fish like salmon, mackerel, or sardines, to name a few, then for vegans, those sources are not an option, and they have to look elsewhere.

As a new vegan, you have probably found it challenging to find a good replacement for the fish oil as most plant-based omega-3 sources are not complete and are missing one or more fatty acids.

But don't worry, there is one omega-3 source that is not only perfectly complete, but it is also vegan-friendly.

It is called Algae. Algae is considered one of the best sources of omega-3. It is so good in fact that even fish are getting their omega-3 from eating Algae.

So, you don't have to worry about not getting enough omega-3 because now you can get your omega-3 fatty acids straight from the source itself.

So, what is Algae, or rather what are Algae?

Algae are simple plants that live in water and can range from the microscopic to large seaweeds such as giant kelp.

Algae is considered one of the most efficient groups of organisms on Earth and grow ten times faster than the land plants. Algae are not only an excellent source of omega-3, but they are also a good source of biofuel, aquafeeds for the agriculture and aquaculture industries, and high-protein sources for direct human consumption.

Also, Algae doesn't contain any of the contaminants found in fish oil.

Although algae oil is one of the best plant-based omega-3 sources, producing algae oil is quite expensive, and for that reason, most of the Algae oil supplements cost more than other plant-based omega-3 oils.

To learn more about other excellent vegan omega-3 sources, follow the link at the beginning of this description to my latest article, where I cover all the eight best plant-based omega-3 oils.

You will also learn about some vegan oils that seem like a good idea, but you should actually avoid at all cost. Go to https://foodhow.com/ for my latest article about the best and worst plant-based omega-3 sources.

You will also find some good deals on Algae oil and where to get it.

Check it out now!


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