Frontrunner Tub Rack Dmax X-Terrain & Accessories

Описание к видео Frontrunner Tub Rack Dmax X-Terrain & Accessories

Finally finished all the odds and ends to my tub rack. The easy parts are holders, an expensive learning curve was buying the GME mounts before understanding they don't fit into racks, so needed the Frontrunner UHF mounts to hold them in place, but luckily still needed the GME mounts because I needed front folding antenna's, and the Frontrunner mounts I had no room for on the sides for them to pivot forward / back. Food for thought.

Really solid rack though. Super happy with the available accessories, which is one reason I chose Frontrunner. The other was that their rack was the largest to fit the XTerrain with its fiberglass cowling.

The maxtrax mounts are nice and low for me to access quickly, no climbing. the Drifta maxtrax cover is awesome. Really good quality. My tubs have a lock strap over them with a pair of the small stratchets. Let me just say, I had doubts about Frontrunner Stratchets, now I don't. They're super amazing to use.


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