Sony A80J Review: LG C1, LG G1 vs Sony A80J Showdown - It's Not Even Close

Описание к видео Sony A80J Review: LG C1, LG G1 vs Sony A80J Showdown - It's Not Even Close

LG C1, G1, and Sony A80J - all purchased and compared. Which one won out? It's not as close as a lot of people claim! Timestamps BELOW!

0:00 - Introduction
3:00 - LG C1\G1 Receipt + Why Not To Rely On Youtube Only
4:59 - LG G1 vs LG C1 Discussion
5:12 - A Pleasant Surprise :)
5:53 - Objective Measures & Averages - Vincent Teoh @HDTVTest
6:39 - This Review Is For Someone Caught Back and Forth Between LG & Sony 2021 OLED
6:58 - LG C1 vs A80J 65" Pricing + LG C1 / G1 Price Difference
8:20 - LG G1 "Warranty" and Best Buy Geeksquad RANT
9:49 - Why $1000 price difference may not be a lot for buying a TV NOW
10:19 - LG G1 C1 is for Gamers - discussing gaming features
10:50 - LG System on Chip Brief Mention
11:35 - Caught Between the Sony and LG due to featureset (VRR missing talked about)
12:40 - ALLM - a nonfeature
13:35 - G1/C1/A80J Feature-set difference (if it wasn't obvious by this point)
14:00 - Latency/Input Lag Fears\Concerns
15:04 - Dolby Atmos + HDMI 2.1 Misconceptions
17:48 - Discussing THE 4 PORT HDMI 2.1 "dealbreaker" for Sony's
19:05 - Answer to HDMI 2.1 "Dealbreaker"- not so much a dealbreaker (spoiler lol)
20:25 - HGiG HDR Detailed - What IS HGIG? Why is this ironic when it comes to Sony?
23:23 - Why HGiG Mode Is Flawed In Terms of Relevancy + The "Accurate" Picture Myth
25:20 - THE BIG REASON* - LG C1 / G1 vs Sony A80J
26:15 - The "Gen3" Processor - Noteworthiness
26:42 - Sony A80J 55/65 Matte Screen Brief Mention
27:10 - Sony's XR Processor + Secret Sauce
28:00 - LG C1 / G1 is "best for video games" - A different perspective on this popular opinion
28:30 - Calibration Methodology (Colorimeter + Spectro *gasp*) + My Experience in Calibration
29:57 - Sony OLED - No Need To Calibrate Out of Box
30:39 - Sony White-Point Discussion
31:02 - @NinjicianAV + @Keep It Classy Tech
31:25 - ABL Discussion
33:14 - Price per PQ vs Price Per Featureset Discussion - Why I go for Price/PQ ratio
33:40 - LG ABSL WARNING - Why I Don't Advise Turning This OFF Whatsoever
34:48 - HGiG Mode Quick-Review
35:34 - It's Pretty Close Though! - "It's Magically Delicious!"
36:47 - What I Recommend For Those On The Fence (please watch other relevant stamps before just jumping here...or you are doing
yourself a disservice)
37:21 - TV Viewing Distance + THX Ideal Explained (Field of View) - DO THE MATH!
39:04 - The Image Retention A80J/A90J Issue Discussed
40:08 - Why This Being A Dealbreaker Is Understandable BUT with an EXCEPTION
41:12 - Fanboyism Discussed (Apology for the Fanboys) + Conclusion


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