5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing Bloodborne

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Couple of links that will also be useful for new players:

Wiki with extra info on each area, item, and enemies including bosses: https://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.co...

GameFAQ, a well written guide that details all of areas in the main game, unfortunately the author didn't finish the DLC or Chalice Dungeons. Still a great guide regardless.


Subreddit dedicated to finding help in Bloodborne (requires PS+)

  / huntersbell  

My stream, even though I just finished a playthrough, I will definitely comeback and replay this game again in the future. Feel free to stop by and ask questions.

  / pandamicpandamonium  

Now to for those looking for those additional tips and advice. Again I either forgot to mention these in the video, or I didn't want to end up making the video too long.

#1 Weapons

Another semi advanced tip for weapons is to look at it's stats, it shows you which stats help scale its damage. As you upgrade your weapon, the scaling improves. Always check before changing weapons, you could have built your character for strength and tried swapping to a skill or arcane based weapon you'll see poor damage results!

Looking at the scaling shouid help you decide how to best spend your stat points, but don't neglect vitality (VIT) and a few points of Endurance for more stamina!

I also forgot to mention when it comes to upgrading weapons, don't feel like you have to be conservative with your upgrade materials! This game will literally give you tons of upgrade materials, you can even farm them from certain enemies.

The only upgrade material that is super rare is a blood rock which allows you to upgrade a weapon to +10, the highest upgrade it can go. There is only 1 blood rock that can be found in the main game and 1 in the DLC. So definitely be conservative with those and pick a favorite weapon!

#2 Not much too expand on here. Have fun trying out various outfits. Some you can find while exploring, doing quests, or bought in the shops available in the Hunter's Dream.

#3 Exploring!

Couple of extra things I didn't mention.

Some objects can be broken, revealing hidden pathways and alternate routes.

Also keep an eye out for those white soul looking orbs, they are everywhere! Try to keep a mental note of what items certain enemies drop. It can be helpful when trying to farm blood vials, bullets, upgrade materials and so on.

Forgot to mention that side quests can have multiple outcomes based on your decisions! Be careful before making a decision. You can of course use the guide linked above to see what rewards you get for different outcomes. Otherwise try different things and see what happens if you're curious.

#4 Pistols

Forgot to mention an important game mechanic which is taught to you via the tutorial messages in the Hunter's Dream but nonetheless, important to know!

Pressing UP on the d-pad will give you 5 additional quicksilver bullets. Only use these in a situation where you are low on ammo. It will cost some health so be cautious!

You can even regain some of that health by hitting a nearby enemy after pressing up,. if you're quick enough.

Don't be conservative with your bullets either! This game gives you tons of bullets which are both found by exploring around, bought in the shop, and plenty are dropped by enemies. Especially ranged ones, like the ones that shoot their rifles at you.

Additional tip for parrying is to not give up! I've messed up dozens if not hundreds of parry attempts. Learning how to parry difficult enemies will make it easier to fight them, also making it easier for future characters as well, should you decide to roll another character.

Use the above guides for additional info on which attacks from enemies and bosses can or cannot be parried! Will save you from getting punished heavily.

#5 NG+

This isn't really important for new players to know, but just note that the game does get increasingly harder each cycle. Up to seven cycles, then it resets. Enemies hit harder and have more HP, but also reward more blood echoes!

These cycles are noted as NG + 1, NG +2, and so on.

So when a player says they are fighting a boss on NG +4, that boss is going to be way harder than any boss on your first playthrough. So learning your enemies attacks and the best way to parry, dodge, and punish them is the key for long term success in Bloodborne.

Whew that was a lot of writing, props to you if you made it this far. Thanks for reading and watching. Hopefully all this information was helpful with minimal spoilers. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments.

If you want to see more content like this let me know. I could do this the whole '5 Things I wish I knew' for a lot of games honestly. It was a lot of editing, but it was fun to make.

Thanks again for watching, see you in the next video.


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