
Описание к видео 舌尖上的二戰,德國軍糧到底是好吃還是難吃,處於二戰各國軍糧中的什麼標準?

Meals of the German army in World War II: The meals of the German army were basically three meals a day. Among them, lunch accounts for 50%, dinner accounts for 33%, and breakfast accounts for 13%. This follows the living habits of the Germans—lunch is the center of daily meals. The food of the German army mainly consists of whole wheat bread, red sausage, and canned milk. . And the red wine scavenged from all over Europe played the same role as the Russian tea. It was because of these that Germany fought from Norway to Greece, and then from Greece to the city of Moscow. German soldiers use special food supply cards when returning home for leave. The bread card and the food supply card are printed together on a piece of hard paper, and you can cut out as many grams of bread card as you need with scissors, and use it together with the soldier card to enjoy the free food supply for visiting soldiers during the war.


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