Описание к видео RED &WHITE LESION

Oral lesions can be classified into four groups comprising of ulcerations, pigmentations, exophytic lesions, and red-white lesions. Although white lesions constitute only 5% of oral pathoses, some of these lesions such as leukoplakia, lichen planus, and proliferative verrucous leukoplakia have malignant potential as high as 0.5–100% ]. Therefore, white lesions mandate an appropriate clinical diagnostic approach to exclude the possibility of malignancy.

The onset of oral white lesions can be acquired or congenital, with a history of long-lasting existence in the latter form. Oral white lesions can be caused by a thickened keratotic layer or an accumulation of non-keratotic material. Accordingly, when a clinician confronts a white area on the oral mucosa, the first issue to be elucidated is whether it can be scraped off by means of a piece of gauze or not. If so, a superficial non-keratotic layer such as pseudomembranes, most commonly caused by fungal infections or caustic chemicals, should be suspected. Otherwise, white lesions can be attributed to increased thickness of keratin layer, which might have been induced by local frictional irritation, immunologic reactions, or more crucial processes such as premalignant or malignant transformation

✳️Mic used-

✳️Other playlists

1)Oral surgery

2)Oral medicine & Radilology


3)Oral pathology






6)Public health dentistry

Disclaimer-All the content of the video(Including tables,graphs,pictures, statistics and the discription about the topic taken from the reference textbooks available in the public domain(hard and softcopies).

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