LaserDisc – Why Bother?

Описание к видео LaserDisc – Why Bother?

Culturedog Sam Hatch is back and he’s ready to put on his philosopher’s cap for a few minutes and chat about the illogical trend of watching old standard definition discs when there are perfectly good Blu-Rays and UHDs at our fingertips that will handily outperform our beloved LaserDisc technology.

“Why bother watching LaserDisc?” is a question that gets asked so often within the LD collectors’ circle, that it demands its own response video. Is there an actual answer to this question? There are many, as we’ll find out. Do any of them make sense? Only time will tell…

Listen to "Culture Dogs" Sunday nights at 8pm EST on WWUH, 91.3 FM in CT. Also streaming live (and then archived via StreamRewind) on:


Instagram: @culturedog1


96.5 TIC FM:

Intro music: "Anger Mgmt." by Sever the Drama.

0:00 Opening Titles
0:15 Introduction
1:37 Why Bother With LaserDisc?
2:46 Arguments Against the Format
4:35 Comparisons To Other Hobbies
5:37 Is LaserDisc More Than The Sum Of Its Parts
7:26 Rose Tinted Glasses
9:04 The Art of Film-to-Video Transfers
10:39 Justifications For Collecting LD
16:54 Why Suffer Through Watching LDs?
18:36 Time Traveling
21:44 Does Time Retroactively Diminish Old Formats?
23:29 Is It Nostalgia?
26:38 It's Perfect For Me


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