P7 to P1 !⏐三水 100cc⏐LightsOUT Racing Club Final 決賽

Описание к видео P7 to P1 !⏐三水 100cc⏐LightsOUT Racing Club Final 決賽

In the Qualify Race, i suffered from mechanical issue due to my overly aggressive driving.

What actually happend is:
The mechanic told me that, i was trail braking too much that the braking disc was starting to fail, and everytime i trail brake, it triggered the clutch that it almost like an antistall in F1.)

And i wasnt aware of that until after the race, so as you would imagine i was trail braking in every slow corners, and the kart started slowing down like there is an VSC, on every lap, every slow corner sections. And inevitably, i ended up dropping to P7. That means i will start the final race in P7.

Final Race:
I nailed the race start, but the guys infront were going 4 wide into the first corner. For safety concern, i had to yield and gave up my momentum, result in dropping 2 places. But after 1 lap i got myself back to the podium places anyway.

Several laps later, i got up to P2, and was fighting for P1. And remember the mechanical issue i've just mentioned ? Yeah, i was limited not to trail brake in this race, or else i would suffer from the same issue again, that also means i need to change my driving style and gave up some skill advantage.

As i tried to overtake P1, i got switch-backed a couple of times due to the lack of accerleration. And it was quite a struggle as well, becasue it was pretty obvious that i was way quicker in some of those fast corners, but i just couldn't overtake him in those slow coners. I knew if i managed to get ahead, i would've easily controlled this race.

In the last 5 laps of this race, i made a huge mistake that almost cost me the race win, i literally thought i was going lose this race. All i could do was to try my best. Fortunately for me, there was slow traffic infront slowing them down, and they started battling as well, all that were helping me to close up that gap.

Eventually i overtook P3 and P2 respectively whille they lost momentum due to their poor exit. And that was when i could finally flat out attacking P1 without fear losing time. And due to the expriences from the past few laps, i've learned that my goal is to block his switch-back. This time i perfectly executed my overtake and start defending right after. Things were easier once i got up to P1, i just needed to drive like i normally do and bring it back home (Also i had to keep reminding myself not to trail brake, or else i would lose power and lose position :0). And finally, got myself the first main race win :)

It was a lucky win without a doubt. I had the pace, could've controlled the race more comfortably, but still, a win is a win. I will watch the replay again and analyse what's gone wrong or see what i could do even better. That's motorsport :) there will always be something to improve on. :)))))


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