Sheltered Instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs) - Course Session 07 HD

Описание к видео Sheltered Instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs) - Course Session 07 HD

This Sheltered Instruction video is part of a free 15-session training which discusses the fundamentals and strategies of Sheltered Instruction. This session includes the following:

Introduction and discussion of the fourth component of SIOP: Strategies, The three features of strategies, Selecting learning strategies appropriate to aid in student learning, Incorporating WIDA Can Do descriptors as a resource for scaffolding

This video is session 07 of a 15 -module series discussing Sheltered Instruction Strategies for teachers of English Learners.

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0:00 Introduction
0:17 Introduction and discussion of the fourth component of SIOP: Strategies
0:30 The three features of strategies
1:54 Metacognitive and Cognitive Strategies
3:16 Language Learning Strategies
3:51 Things to remember when teaching learning strategies
6:15 What is scaffolding (Illustration)
6:38 Types of Scaffolding
8:05 Incorporating WIDA Can Do descriptors as a resource for scaffolding
9:42 Identifying the need to plan for higher order thinking skills
10:36 The Scaffold Learning of H.O.T.S. Chart
12:21 The Questioning Sequence (Prompts, Probes, and Cues)
14:23 Danielson Component 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques

Pertinent Danielson Domain Components:
Component 1e- Designing Coherent Instruction
Component 3b- Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Component 3d- Using Assessment in Instruction

Sheltered Instruction Course


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