RadioShack Zip Zaps In-Store Video Ad Fall 2005

Описание к видео RadioShack Zip Zaps In-Store Video Ad Fall 2005

Well, it's fall (unless it isn’t, wherever you’re viewing this from), & fall means fall sales. Let's take a look back to mid-2005, for the latest and greatest of early 21st century technology, at everybody's favorite electronics store, RadioShack. This spot is from one of the in-store promo DVD series (of which we found two for the summer and fall of 2005, in our Temperature-Controlled Analog Tape/DVD Vault). On the DVDs, which were each over an hour in length and looped, were some pretty interesting music videos interspersed with short product and sales promotion spots, some overlapping between the 2 DVDs.The music videos that were played are listed in this playlist’s description. It's eclectic and really not that bad. Hopefully, it wasn't too annoying for the employees, hearing them over & over! As a ubiquitous brick & mortar store, always there when needed, you will be missed, RadioShack.


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