Fate - East River [ENG] [Rock] (Official Music Video)

Описание к видео Fate - East River [ENG] [Rock] (Official Music Video)

Cześć! Fate to projekt, który ma za zadanie tworzyć sztukę w wielu gatunkach i językach. Artyści odpowiedzialni za jego powstanie, jak i za powstanie wszystkich jego dzieł, pozostają anonimowi. Celem projektu jest udowodnienie, że muzyka jest pięknem wszechstronnym i każdy może się nią cieszyć :)

Hi! Fate is a project started with a sole purpose to create music in many different genre's and languages. The Artist's responsible for it will remain anonymous. The goal of Fate is to prove, that music is a versatile beauty and everyone can enjoy it :)

Riding again through the land in the sun
It's peaceful out here no need for a gun
Some mother wonders where is her son
Oh Lady be calm he's out having fun

By the lake with your neighbor's daughter
She is aware cause her father taught her
Leaves rustle
Above the shallow water


Peace, trees, but no police
Man down the street, taking care of his niece
If nobody sins, there's no need for a priest
Green forests with fresh water creeks
Tall grass
And a river flowing east

Riding on a road, black asphalt in the ground
Two wheels and the engine sound
No money in no account
Far away from the closest town

Beautiful nature is all around
A man moved in and said that he found
Here, far away from the crowd


Peace, trees, but no police
Man down the street, taking care of his niece
If nobody sins, there's no need for a priest
Green forests with fresh water creeks
Tall grass
And a river flowing east


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