How Dementia Impacts Behaviour: Understanding is the key to coping

Описание к видео How Dementia Impacts Behaviour: Understanding is the key to coping

How Dementia impacts behaviour - understanding is the key to coping.

Marge Dempsey RN, BA (Honours) – Marge is a retired nurse with a degree in neuropsychology. She spent 21 years developing and directing the clinical programs for the Alzheimer Society of Niagara Region including 3 years as their CEO. Marge has had the unique opportunity to combine her academic background and clinical work to further understand the relationship between the brain and behaviour. She is an outstanding educator and clinical practitioner who has presented nationally and internationally on this topic and others. Marge developed the Dementia component of the PIECES Training Package for the Alzheimer Strategy and was on the Physician Education Steering Committee and Working Group for the Strategy. She is one of the co-authors of the GPA training Program


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