Выброшенная из машины маленькая девочка рыдала, так как она была единственной выжившей в семье

Описание к видео Выброшенная из машины маленькая девочка рыдала, так как она была единственной выжившей в семье

Thrown From The Car, The Little Girl Sobbed As She Was The Only Survivor in The Family

Meet Cici! This child miraculously survived after her mother and brothers were thrown out of a car. According to volunteers, those who directly received calls from passersby and got there in time. But Cici's Mama did not survive due to previous injuries. Cici's brothers also ..... a few hours later. Cici is the smallest, weakest. But she miraculously survived.

#themoho, #abandoneddog


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