How to Respond E-Campaign Notice of Income Tax Department | CA Anoop Bhatia

Описание к видео How to Respond E-Campaign Notice of Income Tax Department | CA Anoop Bhatia

Tax Planning Course: https://taxplanningforsalariedemploye...
. Dear friends through this video an effort is made to explain the genesis and procedure of 'e-campaign' notices being sent by the Income Tax Department through e-mail written to the assessees generally, asking them to fill up necessary feedbak on the details updated on the portal. An assessee may have the options to accept, refuse or suggest change in the said information for the reference of IT Deptartment. Further, such notices are an opportunity for the assessee to evaluate / assess his / her tax liability resulting on account of reported transaction and ensuring necessary compliance thereof.
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आयकर विभाग द्वारा करदाताओं को विगत कुछ समय से जारी किये जा रहे इ-कैंपेन नोटिसेस का जवाब किस प्रकार देना है इस विषय के मध्यनज़र आपके सामने यह वीडियो प्रस्तुत है। आशा करता हूँ आप इस वीडियो को उपयोगी पाएंगे। आपके बहुमूल्य सुझाव एवं कमैंट्स सादर आमंत्रित हैं।

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