DANMAKAI: Red Forbidden Fruit - [Hard 1CC]

Описание к видео DANMAKAI: Red Forbidden Fruit - [Hard 1CC]


A nice little Danmaku shooter, with a unique take on the Touhou formula. Music and visuals make it seem completely different from your usual Touhou fangame.

This is a Hard run, second to last difficulty. Lunatic is still a bit too much for me, and I don't want to spend much time grinding it out since I really need to work on that Akashicverse no-hit playthrough... Hard difficulty was still fun, though it does feel quite a bit easier than Lunatic.

Also, cats. Cats are heccing OP in this game, every single one of them. And come to think of it, every cat in every shmup ever seems to be OP. What a time to be alive!


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