Tulou 6e Grand Solo op. 82

Описание к видео Tulou 6e Grand Solo op. 82

J.-L. Tulou

Sixième Grand Solo op. 82

Anne Pustlauk, flute

Toby Sermeus, piano


The 6me Grand Solo in A major was composed for the 1840 concours for flute at the Paris Conservatoire. The jury awarded two first and one second prix to the flute students Louis-Marie-Sébastian Brunet, Bernard-Martin Rémusat and Joseph-Félix-Aimé Moreau. All three students only left very few traces. Brunet, born in 1818 in Landerneau, a small town nearby Brest, became the leader of several military bands. In 1877 he was appointed Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur which earned him an honorary salary of 250 Francs a semester until his death in 1895. Brunet composed pieces for wind band. Rémusat left no trace in flute history, unlike his brother Jean (first price for flute in 1832). The same is true for Moreau. Many Moreaus have studied in Paris, however, their family circumstances are not known. Although the jury awarded two first prizes, there did not seem to be much enthusiasm. Henri Blanchard reports in the Revue musical: „Mr. Rémusat and Brunet, pupils of M. Tulou, shared the first prize for flute, and Mr. Moreau conquered the second; these three gentlemen copied the master's style quite well, and even read quite easily at first sight a rather easy piece in 6/8.“


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