How to Code a Google Calendar Appointment Booking System - Google Apps Script API Add On

Описание к видео How to Code a Google Calendar Appointment Booking System - Google Apps Script API Add On

Code link : This tutorial walks through how to create a booking system using a Google Calendar. People make a request using a Google Form. The program automatically checks new request for conflicting events and alerts the user through an email if any exist. If there isn't a conflict, an email is sent to the user notifying them that their request was submitted and that they will receive an update when the status of their request has change. An email is also sent to the owner of the calendar notifying them a new request awaits approval.

The owner of the calendar can select to approval or reject an appointment. If the owner approves a request the selected calendar is updated to show the new appointment. The user who submitted the request is automatically sent and email notifying them that their appointment has been scheduled, or asking them to reschedule.

This add on program is written using Google's App Script API.

Feel free to copy / edit / steal / mock my code.


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