Via ferrata Tenente Ferrante Di Ruffano / Pontebba

Описание к видео Via ferrata Tenente Ferrante Di Ruffano / Pontebba

Ferata Tenente Ferrante Di Ruffano je športna ferata v soteski v Pontebbi. Ferata je krožna in vzpon je najtežji del, nato sledi nekoliko lažji spust do poti nazaj na izhodišče. Ocenjena je z D in kar zahtevna z izpostavljenimi navpičnimi prehodi in kakšnim rahlim previsom. Za dostop je potrebnih 5 minut, za samo ferato tam okoli ene ure in sestop nazaj na parkirišče vzame še 10 minut časa.
Ferate se ne lotevajte brez ustrezne opreme, znanja in izkušenj.
(Datum plezanja: 01.05.2024)

Via Ferrata Tenente Ferrante Di Ruffano is a sport via ferrata in the gorge of Pontebba. The via ferrata is circular and the ascent is the hardest part, followed by a slightly easier descent to the path back to the starting point. It is rated D and quite challenging with exposed vertical transitions and some slight overhang. It takes 5 minutes to get there, about an hour for the climb, and another 10 minutes to get back down to the parking lot.
Do not attempt via ferrata without proper equipment, knowledge and experience.
(Date of climb: May 1, 2024)

00:00 Intro
00:13 Dostop / Approach
00:25 Vstop / Entrance
02:12 Nadaljevanje ferate / Continuation of ferrata
06:14 Vrh ferate / Top of via ferrata
06:27 Sestop / Descent


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