SeoKyu couple "cute dongsaeng" ?

Описание к видео SeoKyu couple "cute dongsaeng" ?

Lately, Kyuhyun said the other girl is his ideal type. That's make Wires dissapointed, .. But, for me I'll believe Seohyun is Kyuhyun's ideal type forever.. It'll be weird if Kyuhyun said Seohyun is his ideal type for now, right? So, I think Kyuhyun must want to cover 'something's.. Let's flashback. 😊

1. Seohyun agrees that she has a deadly charm to make someone falls to her.
2. She has agyeo to someone that she is comfortable.
3. Kyuhyun is a comfortable oppa to her.
3. Kyuhyun said Seohyun is cute dongsaeng.
4. Kyuhyun likes cute girl.

My opinion: Seohyun is cute girl to Kyuhyun because Seohyun shows her aegyo to Kyuhyun who is a comfortable oppa to her. Kyuhyun likes someone who is cute, so, that's why he said Seohyun is his ideal type because Seohyun is cute dongsaeng to him.

So, that's why the title 'cute dongsaeng' just a cover between SeoKyu couple. And at last video, how a 'cute dongsaeng' and a 'comfortable oppa' interact each other.. Not freedom as other oppa-dongsaeng but they're still awkward.

Ps: I don't know if You don't understand what they're talking about.. Because I think, they talked are very simple Hangul. So, you will understand.


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