Is this $200 Camera (Canon M100) Good Enough to Grow Your YouTube Channel?

Описание к видео Is this $200 Camera (Canon M100) Good Enough to Grow Your YouTube Channel?

I bought a Canon m100 to review as well as to compare vs my Sony zv-e1. I wanted to see if a value camera like this will be usable as a YouTube camera.

Will the long in the tooth 2017 aps-c camera get obliterated vs the full-frame low-light MONSTER that is the ZV-e1? Oh I sure hope so... because I paid a LOT more for it. Who would do such a thing you might ask? Me, that's who! Pitting a puny aps-c camera from 2017 WITH a kit lens vs a low-light beast with all the latest bells and whistles from 2023... Muahahaha!

In the next video I will compare them side-by-side in what will likely be a David-Vs-Goliath type showdown, but for now this is my first impressions with the Canon m100. Is it any good?

Let's get the party started.


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