Jessners and TCA Advanced peeling | Application | FAQ | Prep and Post

Описание к видео Jessners and TCA Advanced peeling | Application | FAQ | Prep and Post

We get a lot of people inquiring about layering the two acids Jessners and TCA. This is actually something that is commonly done in a professional setting. Today, I am going to talk about and demonstrate how to properly apply the two acids together.
I will go into detail about what each acid is good for, proper application procedure, how many layers to apply and what to expect immediately afterward.

Find TCA here:

Find Jessners here:

Luminosity can be purchased separately here:
or on either acid's page.

Pretreat products:


Fade Bright:

High Octane Vitamin C:

Healing oils:

Emu oil:

Organic Essential Blend:

First, what is Jessners? This is a blend of 14% Saliyclic acid, 14% Lactic acid and 14% Resorcinol.

And… FYI… since you probably don’t know this, *Resorcinol is a blend of 50% hydroquinone and Cat-e-Kol.

It is commonly used on oily and blemish-prone skin, but because of the resorcinol – it can also be good for pigmentation as well.
Our second acid in this peel today, is TCA. We have many videos on this acid’s use, prep, post care and application – so check those out after this one.

TCA or trichloroacetic acid, is my favorite acid ever. It is great for just about everything including Acne, hyperpigmentation and melasma, and has the additional uses for wrinkles, and several types of scarring.

Both of these acid peels are applied in coats or layers. This makes them both very customizable peels.

A small quantity of layers will give you a lighter peel and the more layers you apply – the deeper the peel gets.

Since they are both applied in the same manner – it leads many people to want to apply them at the same time – which can have a beneficial effect.

When Jessners is used prior to TCA in a professional setting, it is generally as a pre-treatment since salicylic helps to dissolve the harder skin cells that could potentially block deeper penetration.
It is also especially helpful with oilier skin types – where the excess oil can block acid penetration or lead to an uneven uptake of the acid.

Now, as you can probably imagine after my explanation there, mixing the two acids can lead to a deeper peel. If your skin is on the drier side, or is thinning, then a Jessners prep is probably not the best option for you.

This is something that you will move UP to if you feel that either the TCA or Jessners isn’t working well enough on their own. This is an advanced peeling method.

On that note…. I highly recommend that you use the acids independently for at least a full peel SERIES *(which is 6-8 peels) before you think about mixing them in this manner.

Visit our Certified Peels page here: We have so many more than just TCA and Jessners.


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