Master of non-physical healing - Dr. Hew Len

Описание к видео Master of non-physical healing - Dr. Hew Len

Earlier this year a great healing soul transitioned over to spirit - and while Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len may no longer physically be with us, he leaves our world a great healing legacy. When I encountered his healing methods, including the powerful 10 word mantra and philosophy transmitted to him by healer Morrnah Simeona, I found my world transformed - both in my health and relationships, and also in my professional life - as an acupuncturist. I found healing outcomes improved significantly, and a sense of peace pervaded my every interaction. It's all subjective of course - but this was my experience.

Because of this, I recommend people learn about Morrnah and Dr. Hew Len's 'Self Identity Through Ho'oponopono' healing method, and I also recommend Joe Vitale's book 'Zero Limits' as an easy way to get to grips with these concepts. Quick searches on Google and YouTube will reveal numerous sources of information about Dr. Hew Len, Ho'oponopono and the wonderful methods therein.

This video contains: profound healing, distance healing, Hawaiian healing methods, Ho'oponopono, a powerful mantra, transformation, inspiration, the zero limits workshop in Maui, Ihaleakala Hew Len, Morrnah Simeona, Joe Vitale and beautiful scenes of Hawaii.

#greathealers #hewlen #ihaleakala


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