Christian Dance | "Praise the Completion of God's Great Work" | Praise Song

Описание к видео Christian Dance | "Praise the Completion of God's Great Work" | Praise Song

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Christian Dance | "Praise the Completion of God's Great Work" | Praise Song

In the last days, Christ uses the word to judge mankind,
opening up a new age—the Age of Kingdom.
All things are renewed through God's words,
everything is beautiful and new.
Each and every thing is revived, all renewed, all changed.
We, rejoicing, sing praises to God.
The sound of our praises surges through the heavens.
O praise Him! O shout it! O sing!
God's people all overflow with praises for God!
O praise Him! O shout it! O sing!
God's people all overflow with praises for God!

Judgment has begun with the house of God,
revealing His righteous disposition.
God's people bow before Him to accept His judgment and be purified.
God's words guide us through trials and hardship,
we bear testimony and gain His approval.
We are honored with God's commission,
to proclaim and bear witness to His deeds.
O praise Him! O shout it! O sing!
God's people all overflow with praises for God!
O praise Him! O shout it! O sing!
God's people all overflow with praises for God!

God's words are wise and almighty;
they're hard for man to fathom, we are fully convinced.
God's words accomplish everything,
they classify all people according to their kind.
Those who love God obey Him always,
yet those who resist Him will all be destroyed.
We praise God's almightiness and wisdom,
and praise His righteous disposition.
O praise Him! O shout it! O sing!
God's people all overflow with praises for God!
O praise Him! O shout it! O sing!
God's people all overflow with praises for God!

Praise the completion of God's great work,
God has made a group of overcomers.
God's chosen people accept His scrutiny,
performing their duty in their place.
They try to satisfy God with all their heart and soul.
Those who love God are perfected by Him.
The whole world brims with righteousness and holiness,
the kingdom is beautiful and ever new.
O praise Him! O shout it! O sing!
Our songs of praise will never ever end!
O praise Him! O shout it! O sing!
Our songs of praise will never ever end!

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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