Описание к видео [TUTORIAL] LEGO NERF Pistol

Hello guys and welcome back to my channel, True Brothers. The LEGO Guy is my old name and I am changing it into True Brothers, since it is run by me and PoopingHorses. Today, may I present you the LEGO NERF Pistol with TUTORIAL! The pistol shoots real nerf darts and can do anything a nerf gun does. Powered by rubber bands, it can shoot accurately up to 10 meters! Its mechanism and grip is inspired by Kevin183, thanks to him and please subscribe to him because he makes way better and more professional videos than us! This gun was first built last year, but it couldn’t shoot that far, that fast and that accurate. After ‘waves’ of improvements, it can finally shoot very well like a real nerf gun! If you have enough LEGO parts, try to follow the steps and build one yourself too! Needed parts are shown before each part of the tutorial starts. Pause or slow down the play speed when necessary. Enjoy the video and please kindly smash that like button!!!

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Hello, we are two little high school student from nowhere and we couldn't make and post videos on time or on a schedule, sorry for the inconvenience. We are The LEGO Guy and PoopingHorses, and together, we are True Brothers. We will try to make more videos in the future, like PUBG gaming, Clash Royale, Surviv.io, Roblox and more LEGO vids!!! Remember to like the video that you had just watched and subscribe to our channel True Brothers!!! :D


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