Black and gray - gray wash tutorial/ آموزش سبک بلک اند گری -گری واش

Описание к видео Black and gray - gray wash tutorial/ آموزش سبک بلک اند گری -گری واش

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این بخش آموزش تئوری سبک بلک اند گری و گری واش هست که در سه قسمت براتون گذاشته میشه
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  / taha.jahani  

There are two sides to shading a tattoo, the technical side and the artistic side. The artistic side takes many years of practice, which I suggest you study art books that cover pencil shading, color blending, color matching, and light reflection. The best way you can practice art is by repetition. Look at every thing, and then try to draw it. Pay attention to lighting. One rule of shadowing is that in light reflection the shadowed part of the image will be in the direct opposite position of the lighted section. The human eye can distinguish fourteen shades of grey. White is the absence of grey where black is the saturation of grey. White (skin tone) would be the shade one and the black will be the fourteenth shade. While shading you should do the best you can to use all fourteen shades. When shading you the dark line and the light line.

The dark line is the darkest part of the area that will be shaded and the light line will be the lightest part. The dark line doesn't always have to be black, just like the light line won't always be white. You have to determine how dark the beginning area will be and how light the end is before you start and area. This is the measure of hues. A hue is the value of a color. If you take a line that fades form solid black to solid white then the black would be 100%, the white of the line would be 0% and the middle would be 50%. So if I said that your dark line need to be 35% and your light line needed to be 15% you would know that the line or area that needed to be shaded would be rather light. A good way to practice this theory on paper is to draw a number of lines each at a different length. At one side write a 100% and the other write 0%. At the 100% line make a solid black square as dark as you can get it. Then try to shade out the side of the box that goes toward the 0% until you can no longer see where the box started and the shading began. Use a pencil and don't smudge the graphite, this will not help you in tattooing. You should shade by going over the area many times instead of just pushing harder.
🤙🏻 You can wash any color just like you can with black and grey. The use of at least a seven mag during wash fading will make your tattoos look so much better. If you try to wash with a round it will work, but not nearly as smooth. All of the needles in a mag are right in a row, so as long as you run the mag flat on the skin they will all puncture at the same depth. A lining needle is round, by the time you get to the level of the needle that gives you the widest coverage, you're at half depth. The needles on the bottom are much deeper in the skin then the center needles. Since they are deeper they leave a darker mark giving your blending distinguishable lines. The smoother the shading transition form dark to light, the more realistic your tattoo will look, which leads me to another technique.


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