真實植髮個案 3 - 香港演員周祉君先生十三個月後剖白實錄

Описание к видео 真實植髮個案 3 - 香港演員周祉君先生十三個月後剖白實錄

tell me about your story…

咦~,唔知大家仲有無印象我哋嘅植髮真人實錄嘉賓,香港資深男演員 - 周祉君先生 (Aaron) 呢~? 當大家對佢飾演 ”阿Lou” 呢個角色仲係好念念不忘之際, 其實 Aaron 正密密準備緊俾個新形象大家睇喎!無錯喇!就係佢經過呢十三個月後,响我哋 Hairworks HK呢度做完微創植髮之後嘅滿意效果喇!咁到底 Aaron 對於今次呢個漫長嘅植髮經歷,同而家得出嚟嘅效果又滿唔滿意呢~? 不如就等 Aaron 自己同大家真心分享一吓啦!去片!

睇完 Aaron 呢個植髮真人實錄之後,係咪覺得又感動同鼓舞呢?咁大家睇完之後,會唔會幫到你哋去減少咗啲對响香港做微創植髮嘅心理障礙呢?同俾咗一啲 ”定心丸” 大家呢? 唔駛再猶豫或為咗脫髮問題而煩惱喇! 而家就嚟同我哋傾吓啦~!

Hair transplant case #3 documentary – Hong Kong actor Aaron Chow, thirteen months later

Do you all remember one of our hair transplant real-people guest, Hong Kong actor Mr. Aaron Chow, which his documentary has been aired early on? While the character he played as "Ah Lou" in the TV show has made him a memorable actor, in fact, Aaron has been secretly prepared a new image for us all! That’s right! It is the new look of his hair after thirteen months the actor has undergone the FUE hair transplant treatment here at Hairworks HK! So, did Aaron feel satisfy with the result after all these months? Also, how did he feel right now after the treatment? No worries, let Aaron shares his experience with you all here; without further ado, let’s go!

Do you feel touched and motivated after listening to Aaron’s experience? Does it help to reduce some of the psychological barriers about hair transplant treatment? It’s time to stop worrying about your hair loss problem! Get in touch with us today and see how we can help~!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
電話查詢 : (852) 2526 6238
whatsapp: (852) 9149 1611 (或點擊此連結: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=8...)
Facebook: HairWorks專業醫學植髮中心
Instagram: hairworks_hk
微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
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