Lighten Your Skin With Just  Body Wash And BarSoap |How to Level up your Skin Glow +Skin Lightening

Описание к видео Lighten Your Skin With Just  Body Wash And BarSoap |How to Level up your Skin Glow +Skin Lightening

Learn The Trick on How To Lighten Your Skin With Just  Body Wash And Bar Soap. plus How to Level up your Skin Glow Without Using body Lotions, Best tips to using Barsoaps to Lighten your skin without using Lotions, List of Best Lightening Bar Soaps & Bodywash, ways to Leveling up your Skin Lightening game and not damaging your skin barrier🌟⚡🔥

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Time stamps
0:00 intro
01:21 what to know before using body wash and Bar Soap together in a skincare routine
02:02 how to prevent your skin barrier from damaging
02:34 First method on how to use a bodywash and a Barsoap together
04:04 types of bodywash
04:09 types of barsoaps
04:43 how long you should use a bodywash or barsoap for effective result
05:46 how you can use Soaps to avoid drying out your skin
06:15 how to combine barsoap and bodywash for effective skin Lightening
07:43 how to double cleanse your skin
09:10 standard method for double cleansing
11:56 Best Lightening Bar Soaps you can use to lighten your skin
13:53 Lightening and whitening body wash that does the job
14:25 double moisturising body wash
15:02 outro

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