Green Lasers Vs. Red Lasers: Which are Better?

Описание к видео Green Lasers Vs. Red Lasers: Which are Better?

I get this question a lot, "Are green or red lasers better?" This video covers the main difference between hobby level green and red lasers.

Here are a couple extra notes:

This video was shot in fog.

Green lasers are a very complex system so you are more likely to find problems with these. Red lasers are simple so problems are less common.

Those cheap "200mW" rated green laser pointers you see on Amazon or cheap Chinese sites for under $50 are never even close to 200mW of actual output.
GOGGLES ARE REQUIRED WHEN USING LASERS OVER 5mW! If you cannot afford goggles, do NOT mess with strong lasers.

Watch for an epic laser demo coming up soon! I'll give you a hint: class IV blue lasers!

Check out to learn more about laser pointers, lasers, and laser pointer companies! I have been a member there for 8 years, and have received a bunch of help from the knowledgeable members there!


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