Dropping a MEGA Bag on Bucket List fishery?!... Lake Okoboji, IA

Описание к видео Dropping a MEGA Bag on Bucket List fishery?!... Lake Okoboji, IA

The Finale for my Coming Home Series was special!! Finally got to fish a lake I've always wanted to fish, and it couldn't have gone any better! Had a blast patterning the prespawn bass and showing you guys how to catch them! Two baits made my life easy.... the Ace Jig and a wacky worm! Hope you guys enjoy the video and make sure to follow along for more!

Bait of the Day was the Ace Jig!

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Northwoods Finishing: https://northwoodsfinishing.com/
Pequot Tool: https://www.pequottool.com/
Nic's Works Tree Service: https://nicsworks.com/
Ice Guys Rentals: https://www.iceguysrentals.com/
Lyback's Marine: https://www.lybacksmarine.com/
Johnson's Portside: https://www.johnsonsportside.com/
Untamed Tackle: https://untamedtackle.com/


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