Preventing Senior Moments with Dr Stan Goldberg

Описание к видео Preventing Senior Moments with Dr Stan Goldberg

We all get them - those momentary lapses when we can't recall someone's name, why we came into a room or where we left the car keys. We call them senior moments, but are these moments inevitable or limited to seniors?

We'll learn more about these senior moments and how to work through them with our guest this week on Specifically for Seniors, Dr Stan Goldberg. Dr. Stan Goldberg is an expert in the areas of aging, human information processing, change, loss, and end-of-life issues. He is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at San Francisco State University, and his writing has received 26 national and international awards.

We’ll be talking with Stan about his thoughts on Preventing Senior Moments and How to Stay Alert into Your 90s and Beyond - which is also the title of his latest book.


Preventing Senior Moments and How to Stay Alert into Your 90s and Beyond

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