Explained | MCI's New Advisory on Internship Validity by Yukti Belwal

Описание к видео Explained | MCI's New Advisory on Internship Validity by Yukti Belwal

MBBS from Abroad is very attractive opportunity for Indian students because of low fee structure and availability of seats. MBBS in China, MBBS in Bangladesh, MBBS in Philippines and MBBS in Nepal has 12 months inter ship which is now valid in India that means students don't have to do internship in India anymore.

watch the webinar of MBBS in Ukraine v/s MBBS in Belaurs v/s MBBS in Philippines webinar here.    • Webinar | MBBS in Ukraine/Philippines...  

#MBBSinPhilippines #MBBSinBelarus #MBBSinUkraine

I am an MBBS abroad consultant and here I am uploading videos about MBBS abroad and the universities in which many Indian students go for MBBS. You can contact me or mail me at yukti.belwal@studynation360.com


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