肉龙 唤醒你记忆中的味道 Steamed Meat Rolls Bring Back Your Childhood Memories|阿屋厨房 Awoo Kitchen

Описание к видео 肉龙 唤醒你记忆中的味道 Steamed Meat Rolls Bring Back Your Childhood Memories|阿屋厨房 Awoo Kitchen

肉龙,也叫懒龙,是老北京食品,也是幼儿园最受欢迎和喜爱的主食, 也是我儿时记忆餐系列中的一道食品,当肉龙出锅的那一刻,满屋飘香,再搭配西红柿鸡蛋汤,那个味道啊!让你一下子回到儿时!添加了鲜的香菇碎不仅让肉龙口感不那么油腻还出奇的好吃!你还有什么喜爱的儿时记忆餐,欢迎你写在留言区。喜欢这视频,不要忘了点赞和订阅我的频道,感谢觀看!

Steamed meat rolls aka lazy dragon rolls is Beijing style dish. It is also the most popular staple food in kindergarten. This video is also one of the dishes of my “Childhood memory food” series. When the meat rolls are ready to serve, the whole house smells so good! Eat it with egg drop soup, that savory taste can bring you back to childhood immediately! Adding shiitake mushrooms reduces greasing taste and makes there rolls incredibly delicious!

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   / 阿屋厨房awookitchen  

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3 cup all purpose flour (about 420 g)
1 cup +1 tbsp warm water (about 255 ml, please adjust water amount according to the type of flour you use)
1 1/2 tsp active dry yeast (5 g)
1 tsp sugar (5 g)
Pinch of salt

300 g ground pork (you can use ground chicken or beef if you prefer)
1 tbsp cooking wine (15 ml)
1/2 tsp salt (2 g) or to your taste
1 tsp sugar (3 g)
1/4 tsp white pepper powder (1 g)
1/4 tsp Sichuan pepper (1 g)
1 tbsp fried bean sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce (15 ml)
1 tbsp minced ginger
5 medium size fresh shiitake mushrooms chopped (around 75 g)
1 egg
1 tbsp sesame oil (15 ml)
2 stalk of green onion finely chopped

Steam over medium high heat for 15 -18 minutes. Serve it warm.

3 杯普通面粉 (大约 420 g)
1 杯 +1 汤匙的温水 (大约 255 ml, 水量请根据你用的面粉的吸水量稍作调整)
1 1/2小勺酵母粉 (5 g)
1 小勺糖 (5 g)

300 g 猪肉馅 (可以换成牛肉馅或鸡肉馅)
1 汤匙料酒 (15 ml)
1/2 小勺盐 (2 g) 或根据自己的口味添加
1 小勺糖 (3 g)
1/4 小勺白胡椒粉 (1 g)
1/4 小勺花椒粉 (1 g)
1 汤匙炸酱
1 汤匙酱油 (15 ml)
1 汤匙姜末
5 个中等大小的鲜香菇 (大约 75 g)
1 个鸡蛋
1 汤匙芝麻油 (15 ml)
2 根小葱


#肉龙, #懒龙, #steamedmeatrolls, #lazydragon,
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