Srei Sroh Pi Suokea by Ah Tuo | ស្រីស្រស់ពីសួគ៌ា​ ច្រៀងដោយ អាតួ (Underrated Cambodian Hip Hop)

Описание к видео Srei Sroh Pi Suokea by Ah Tuo | ស្រីស្រស់ពីសួគ៌ា​ ច្រៀងដោយ អាតួ (Underrated Cambodian Hip Hop)

I found on the internet years ago and I doubt that many have heard this before. Despite its partially explicit lyrics, this is one of the most underrated Khmer Rap Hip-Hop in my opinion. Anyway, I'm glad I had downloaded a copy of this song as this is nowhere to be found anywhere.

Disclaimer: I do not produce or own the music. The intention of this upload is to share this piece of masterpiece and make a record of it.

#khmerhiphop #cambodianhiphop #underratedmusic


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