Lose Weight Eating One Meal a Day 🍴 Benefits of Eating Once Per Day | Eat One Time Weight Loss Diet

Описание к видео Lose Weight Eating One Meal a Day 🍴 Benefits of Eating Once Per Day | Eat One Time Weight Loss Diet

Learn how to lose weight while eating one meal a day. There are a lot of benefits to eating once per day. In this video I give an idea of how to structure a diet to eat one time a day.

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Only eating one meal a day?? Uh oh...isn't that gonna slow down your metabolism? Or make you lose muscle and cause all those gains you worked so hard for to just disappear. Or even make you store more body fat? The answer is no. no. and definitely not. The truth is that you can eat once a day without destroying your metabolism and without losing your gains and you could even lose weight and burn fat while eating once a day all the while reaping great health benefits. I know this may sound crazy because mainstream Fitness and nutrition advice is always to eat five to six small meals a day and to avoid eating one meal a day at all cost. It's too bad that these people giving mainstream advice don't know that there's really nothing inherently wrong about only eating one meal a day. Now this doesn't mean that you can't do the whole eating one meal a day thing totally wrong causing you to gain a bunch of weight. It also doesn't mean that eating 5-6 times a day puts you in the clear and automatically guarantees weight loss. Meal frequency does not play as much of a vital role in the fat loss process as the food quality and quantity. If you eat the same exact amount and the same exact type of foods between 3 meals 6 meals or just 1 meal the effect on the amount of weight gained or lost should essentially be the same. It would kind of be like filling up a cars gas tank with 4 Separate quarter tank fill ups versus just filling it up once with a full tank. If it's the same amount of gas it's going to produce the same amount of energy and after you go through all that energy that's when your body starts to dip into your fat stores for additional energy. Your metabolism will be no slower with one big meal than a bunch of smaller meals. In fact in 1966 there was a study done on a man that lost over 276 pounds while on a 382 day fast where he ate nothing except for vitamin and mineral supplements prescribed by his doctor. Now even though this is a little extreme it does show that when your body is low on calories it doesn't just go into a starvation mode and shut down your metabolism. Your metabolism does slow down when you cut calories whether you cut them out of each meal or you just don't eat as many meals throughout the day or like in this case you just don't eat at all. However it's not like your body is being run without using energy... your metabolism in this case is being fueled by fat cells. And you can as shown in this study go from 456 pounds to 180 pounds without eating at all. Now this is not at all what I recommend in fact this is very dangerous and a study like this wouldn't even be ethical nowadays, but just keep in mind that it's not like you're metabolism is just going to shut down and you're going to somehow exist without burning any fat. The energy to even breath and have your heart beat has to come from somewhere. In this particular case the man in the study only regained 16 pounds over the course of five years and studies show that people that eat less frequently and fast for the purpose of weight loss end up maintaining it easier than those that do it through calorie restrictions imposed on their daily meals. There are other starvation diets where they starved a group of people & at the end of it all as soon as they started eating normally again their metabolisms came right back up to normal. Keep in mind too these are extreme cases & eating once a day is not going to put you into a starvation mode. And the effect that it has on your metabolism is the same effect that cutting calories throughout the day would have on your metabolism. So what's the benefit of eating once a day versus Multiple times a day. Well first of all chances are very high that if you only eat once a day you're going to have a harder time eating enough calories to gain weight than you would if you're eating all day. It's a lot easier to have a satisfying meal while cutting or dieting when eating just one meal a day because you can have all of your calories at once in that one meal. Eating once a day & fasting have been shown in studies to have benefits on the longevity of your life. It's proven with multiple studies that if an animal has 30% less calories throughout its lifetime it'll live 30% longer. If eating once a day can get you to eat less calories throughout your lifetime there's no reason why you're not getting this same benefit. Another benefit is that you don't have to cook a bunch of meals & worry about eating them & grazing all day. By not worrying about eating all day you can be a lot more productive. Because between prepping your meals & taking th

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