How To Use A Pro Foam Gun - Great Stuff Pro 14

Описание к видео How To Use A Pro Foam Gun - Great Stuff Pro 14

In this video, I'll show you how to use a Pro-style foam gun and the advantages they have over using a regular "straw" style foam can.

Here's the outline for this video for ease of navigation and finding relevant info:

Intro 0:00
Gun Options @0:30
Why Use a ProFoam Gun @1:42
-Parts of The Gun @3:11
Things You'll Need @3:42
(Pro Tip @4:08 and @4:43 )
How To Use A Foam Gun @5:21
1. Shake Vigorously (Wear protective gloves and eyewear)
2. Attach can to gun
3. Mist the area you want to foam with a spray bottle of water.
4. Make any adjustments to the regulator or control knob on the gun to ensure the flow rate you desire. (Test on a piece of scrap material)
5. Depress the trigger and apply the foam (in a continuous bead if possible)
6. Wipe the tip of the gun as need.
7. Mist again with water.
8. Wait for the foam to cure.
9. Once the foam has curred trim back excess foam as need.

How To Clean The Gun
1. Cleaning The Nozzle (when you leave the can of foam attached to the gun) @8:14
2. Cleaning The Gun, when you detach a can of foam. ("Longer-term" gun storage) @10:09

Troubleshooting @11:33
-What to do when your foam shrinks and doesn't seal

Pro 14 Foam Gun (Featured in this video*):
Pro 14 XL Foam Gun*:

Gaps & Cracks*:
Window & Door*:
Wall & Floor*:
Pest Block Foam*:
Construction Adhesive Foam*:

Gun and Tool Cleaner*:
(-12 Pack*: )
Spray Bottle*:

Plastic Tips for foam gun*:
-I didn't mention this in the video, but you can use these to protect the tip of your foam gun when working against an abrasive surface like concrete, brick or stone. These will lay a very small thin bead of foam. If you need a larger foam bead, simply cut off the tip for a wider diameter.

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment):
-Knee Pads:*
-OSHA Compliant Ear Protection & Bluetooth:*
-3M Respirator:*
-Composite Toe Boots:*
-My favorite shop boots:*

-Audible, what I listen to while working:*
-Favorite sidearm:*
See What I'm Up To:
Instagram:   / mkrzesowiak  

*Affiliate Disclaimer & Disclosure:
The links above may contain "affiliate links." This means that if you make a purchase through those links I receive a small commission. This occurs at no additional cost to you.

I'm not here to "hard sell" you. I'm here to be helpful. So if you don't click the links, that's fine. The only links I post are products/services that are relevant to the subject of the video or I have found to be helpful or believe could be helpful to you. It helps me underwrite the cost of producing this channel. If you choose to make a purchase through one of these links, thanks! Know that I'm grateful for you either way.

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