Teaching Your Dog Impulse Control

Описание к видео Teaching Your Dog Impulse Control

https://ferndogtraining.com/academy Do you have dogs that steal food or are pushy taking treats? Is your dog super excited any time he smells or sees food?

These issues seem only mildly annoying but can develop into a major pain in the butt over time. If you want to be able to trust your dog around food, you need to work on some impulse control with him.

Taking the time now will make your life better and allow you to do more things with your dog.

Make sure you dog is never moving toward treats but instead is waiting for them to be delivered to him. Whenever you give him a treat, don't release it until his weight is neutral and he's not leaning forward at all.

For super crazy food hounds, this will take some time, so be patient. Your dog will do whatever gets him the food the fastest, and as soon as he figures out that you will hand it over when he withdraws, he'll do it all the time.

To learn how you can turn your passion for dogs into a successful career, go to https://ferndogtraining.com/academy


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