Simon Ssenkaayi - The Principle of Planning & Persistence [BREAKFAST MEETING SERIES]

Описание к видео Simon Ssenkaayi - The Principle of Planning & Persistence [BREAKFAST MEETING SERIES]

It is said that, when you fail to plan, then you’re planning to fail. I have realized in life that the distance between what we are today and what we want to be tomorrow, is the PLAN. The greatest tragedy in life isn’t death, for when you’re dead, you’re no longer bothered by anything. However, the greatest tragedy in life is waking up every morning and not know why and what to do. My father used to say, that some people die at the age of 25 and but only to be buried by 90: implying that between 25 and 90, they stopped living, striving or moving towards anything in life. We need first to understand what, why and then HOW? And this is the strategy or plan.


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