Boeing 747-8. Crew meal preparation

Описание к видео Boeing 747-8. Crew meal preparation

Hello- how do you do everyone. Everybody asks me who serves us with drinks/meals on an all cargo aircraft especially on long sector flights. The answer is we serve ourselves. We try to work it that the PM (Pilot Monitoring), does the meal service on the sector the She/He is not Pilot flying but this is not a hard and fast rule. Meals or coffee etc are prepared at non busy periods in the cruise. One pilot by law MUST be at the controls at all times for other pilot to take physiological break/ leg stretch etc at all times. For takeoff/climb/descent/landing BOTH pilots must be at the controls at all times. So those are the rules.
In this clip, I was the PM so I went to prepare the Coffee and later also the breakfast for both of us. It was a two crew operation. Have a watch and see what goes on. Hope you like it! ‘Chi Di Gin! Later!✈️✈️✈️✈️


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