26/531Hz יהוה Ain Sof Aur Kabbalah Meditation Music Therapy Veil of Negative Existence Sleep ASMR

Описание к видео 26/531Hz יהוה Ain Sof Aur Kabbalah Meditation Music Therapy Veil of Negative Existence Sleep ASMR

This ASMR meditation music therapy program is a dedication to the Kabbalistic notion of "Ain Sof Aur", the thirt veil of negative existence. These veils come before Kether, which is the spark of primordial consciousness. "Ain Sof Aur" is where the forces of limitless darkness and light merge to form seeds of primordial being, or primordial consciousness.

This program also includes pure sine frequencies at 26 and 531 Hz. 26Hz corresponds to the ineffable, unspeakable, unpronounceable, and most important name of G-d, the Tetragrammaton. 531Hz is the Genesis tone, which represents original and ongoing creation of the Universe, of which human beings are counterparts of G-d's will.


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