A. Corelli - Violin Sonata op.5 n.10

Описание к видео A. Corelli - Violin Sonata op.5 n.10

00:06 - Preludio
02:01 - Allemanda
04:25 - Sarabanda
06:40 - Gavotta
07:24 - Giga

Recorded on February 25th, 2021
T.Crijnen Harpsichord in New Church, Delft (NL)

Violin: Julia Hernández
Harpsichord: Bas de Vroome
Footage: Daniël Hoek
Editing: Francesca Ajossa

This recording replaces a concert that was planned on February 20th, 2021. Unfortunately, due to the Corona situation the concert had to be cancelled. Donations from the 'Friends of Stichting Kerkconcerten Delft', regular audience members and company sponsorship of 'Via de Rank' (www.viaderank.nl) made this recording possible.

We would like to express our gratitude for those that supported us, also financially, with this initiative.

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