HOSSTILE Q&A Ep.9 | Avoid the Offseason Bloat | Fouad Abiad

Описание к видео HOSSTILE Q&A Ep.9 | Avoid the Offseason Bloat | Fouad Abiad

Fouad takes you through another Q&A to help you get your game on track! Topics covered range from how to avoid the offseason bloat to how much strength can you expect to lose when cutting.

All answers are Fouad's opinions from his twenty years experience as a professional bodybuilder.

HOSSTILE SUPPLEMENTS: http://www.hosstile.com


02:14 - Do I have to weigh everything or can I eye ball it?

05:55 - Which supplements would you consider essential?

08:17 - What are some tricks to avoid bloating in the offseason?

12:14 - Is pain and soreness an indicator of a good workout?

15:49 - When you do a contest diet do you change your training?

16:31 - Are you expected to lose a lot of strength in a weight cut?

19:02 - Whats your opinion of fitness trackers?

19:31 - Single arm DB rows feel off to me, what should I do?

21:25 - Is it better to do two cheat meals or one cheat day?

22:53 - Why is pork and lamb not used in most bodybuilding diets?

23:28 - Can we stack the two Hosstile preworkouts?

26:12 - Why do we lose weight sometimes after a cheat meal?

27:15 - Will you be doing a chocolate flavoured product?

27:29 - Is carb cycling the best way to stay lean in the offseason?

29:11 - How has your training changed in the last five years?

30:20 - Are nutrition labels on meats at the grocery store for raw or cooked wieghts?

31:30 - Is straining your ground beef going to make it much leaner?

32:02 - Do you clean the fat off the chicken before cooking?

32:35 - Whats a quick snack for on the go workers?

34:06 - Is the process of cutting harmful?

36:38 - Does Hosstile have a stack for mass and strength?

38:16 - Tips to gain muscle mass during ramadan?

39:24 - How should I start training when I get back to the gym?

40:56 - Is there a difference between a thumbless grip and normal grip?

41:12 - Is it possible to be 260lbs lean naturally?

41:54 - Is fasting to lose weight better than a traditional bodybuilding diet?

44:00 - When should I take my preworkout?

44:19 - How should I work on shrinking my waist?

46:!2 - Any issues with anti-inflammatories causing puffiness?

46:38 - What weight, set, reps increases do you make in the offseason?

47:57 - Do you want to open your own gym?

48:22 - Does cluster dextrin help with fat loss?

49:00 - Would you count the steps you take at work toward your cardio goals?

50:35 - What amount of sleep is required to grow?

51:45 - How do you create a caloric deficit?

52:23 - How often do you stretch, foam roll, etc?

53:12 - Do you very your tempo's when lifting?

55:45 - How long does it take to prep for a show?

57:36 - How important is periodization?

59:50 - Does mixed grip cause lat imbalances?

1:00:30 - How do I even out my arm size?

1:01:34 - Is ab development mostly genetic?

1:03:44 - Favourite pre and post workout meal?

1:05:05 - Whats most difficult about starting a business?

1:09:12 - How can I get better sleep?

1:10:56 - Has the supplement launch been great?

1:11:45 - More volume or heavy weight for growth?

1:12:00 - When starting should I lost fat before bulking?

1:13:34 - Advice to build grip strength?

1:14:47 - I tore an ab, tips on getting back to work normally?


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