Danmakufu - Everlasting Purity (Junko Boss Battle)

Описание к видео Danmakufu - Everlasting Purity (Junko Boss Battle)

Well it's sure been a while, hasn't it...?

I've been meaning to release this months ago, but a whole load of real-life stuff and distractions slowed me down a ton. But after all that time, hopefully this'll be worth the wait!

Ever since I made that "joke" Junko boss fight, I wanted to give her some actual love in the form of a legit script. But I kinda hit a wall in terms of what I wanted to do for her... And then as a half-joke/half-challenge to myself I decided to make attacks that only involved ring patterns. And before I knew it, I had a whole text file loaded with ideas for various ring-centered spell cards. Obviously I wasn't going to go and name ALL of them, so I just took a page out of the "Mokou's「Countless Death」" script and turned it into a gauntlet of relatively short attacks (with some longer ones thrown in to shake things up).

But of course you know me, I had to meme in some way... So don't worry, there's plenty of that in the bonus content -- where I just HAD to make a certain reference given who this script involves.

Hope you enjoy! You can download the script here:

If you're new to Danmakufu, I've included a readme file in the download that includes instructions on how to play the script.



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