Sexpill - In Dust We Trust LP (2024)

Описание к видео Sexpill - In Dust We Trust LP (2024)

Haven't listened to much pill on recording but I've seen em a handful a times and this band fr gets the people moving bro, the most memorable sets for me were Damaged City Fest at the Pinch.. and I think Summer Breeze one year. Those were krazy, if ya haven't seen em make an effort to soon

This record is pretty much just a comp of all their releases it looks like, minus a couple, just re-recorded. It sounds so dope though, I especially dig the guitar on here. The one long song with the bass thing is awesome lol, 3 minutes in I was like wait wats going on haha. Good stuff, can't see this latest Beach batch stickin around for long.. best grab something

1. Big H Little H 0:00
2. Bag Life 1:19
3. Deuce Ward Demon 2:38
4. Nose Beers 4:06
5. Nuclear Hustlers 5:26
6. South East Santa 6:29
7. In Dust We Trust 9:58
8. Red Nose 11:49
9. Inhalant Hero 13:25
10. Victims of a Glue Bag 14:38
11. Barry White 16:13
12. Sexpill 17:19

Grab it here:



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